We need help with mundane and every-day tasks as well as ongoing developmental and administrative functions. Also, food is always coming in and needing to be sorted and processed. You can drop us a mail through the ‘contact us’ function, or you could engage with one of the platforms such as CommunityHoursSA.
We can’t get around to every retailer or shop ourselves yet, so we would love you to help us build the relationships with your local stores so we can extend the Food Rescue network. Drop us a line for more information and we’ll help you get the ball rolling.

We always have some events or other on the horizon, be it an opportunity to attend or serve, give us a shout if you want to get involved!
Contributing Stuff (The Wish List):
We understand that folks can’t always contribute financially, but there are other contributions which are just as valuable! The Wish List is a continuous WIP, and if there is anything else you feel we might be able to make us of but doesn’t feature here, we’d love your input, just drop us a line! Your time and expertise can also make a difference, we’d love to hear from you :)
STUFF we need:
- Fuel
- Gas refills
- Glass jars with lids (if you take the labels off for us, it saves the volunteers a ton of time!)
- Cutlery and crockery
- Table cloths, overlays and napkins
- Food staples and adjuncts we don’t always manage to source through rescue (oil, flour, salt, sugar, yeast, spices etc.)
- Cleaning materials (we use vinegar and bicarb for cleaning, so we got through litres and kilos!)
- Consumables like gloves, hair nets, cloths, sponges, dish towels, bin liners etc.
- Vehicles suitable for collection and distribution of produce
- Magnetic signage for volunteer vehicles
- Banners for events
- Fire extinguishers
- First Aid kit and supplies
- Plastic crates (‘milk’ crates are most suitable, they stack nicely)
- Branded t-shirts for volunteers
- Branded aprons for kitchen staff
- Collapsible trestle tables
- Outdoor party lights
- Stainless steel double sink unit and food prep counter
- Double glass-door display fridge
- Industrial platform scale for weighing produce
SKILLS that are valuable:
- Social Media co-ordination and implementation
- Graphic design and printing
- Drivers (with PDP) and assistants
- Ongoing proposal writing and fundraising
- Crowd funder management
- Online and passive income generation
- Event management
- Marketing
- Procurement
- Retailer relationship management
- Web development
- Catering and F&B management
- Volunteer co-ordination
- Legal, compliance and regulation
- Health and Safety
- Premises ideally combining operations, warehousing, food garden and skills development activities
- Skills development programme design and co-ordination
- Food safety and testing
- Operations management
- Social impact monitoring and development
- Beneficiary welfare
- Kitchen and community garden establishment and maintenance
- Community needs research